Let's support the orphans of this disaster! 震災孤児をサポートしましょう!
Would you like to join us in this project and support the orphans of this disaster?
My name is Miyu, and I am a 16 year old student, who currently lives in Hong Kong. I still remember that shocking moment when my siblings and I had seen the disastrous tsunami on television, washing away the homes of innocent people. Not only did we feel sad, but we also felt anxious, thinking about what the children involved were going through. Soon enough, we were informed that more than a hundred children were confirmed orphans, having lost their parents in the disaster. We could not bear the thought of that happening to ourselves, and decided to brainstorm ways in which we could take action to help children, like us, in the best way we could. We came up with the idea of making bracelets, with the words, "Ganbare Japan, Don't Give Up." Please join us to send across this message, and support the orphans who need our help.
To support these orphans in Japan, I would like to gather a team of willing peers (oldest being high school students), to run a series of events independently by ourselves. With the aim of supporting orphans of the disaster, I researched into different organizations, which will allow us to contribute in providing support for these children. I finally decided to choose the organization, "Ashinaga", to donate all of the money we will raise.“Ashinaga” is a well-established organization, which supports orphans until they reach adulthood. It is guaranteed that your donation will be used to support the victims of this disaster.
If you would like to join us in this project and support the orphans of this disaster, please e-mail me at "ganbarekidsinjapan@gmail.com".
Let's take action together.
こんにちは。私は香港に住む16歳の高校生で、三人姉弟妹の長女の美優です。テレビで見た地震と津波の映像はあまりにもショッキングで、私たちの目に焼き付いて離れません。悲しい気持ちになるだけではなく、被災地の子供たちのことを考えると、心がとても痛くなります。両親を亡くした災害孤児の数が、確認されただけでも概に百人を超えたことがわかり、これがもし自分たち姉弟妹の身の上に起こっていたらと思うと、いても立ってもいられず、私たちに何かできることは無いかと考え始めました。そして姉弟妹で考えた結果、『Ganbare Japan Don't Give Up』と書いたブレスレットを通して募金活動をすることにしました。皆さんどうか私たちと一緒にこの活動に参加してください。
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